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I am getting an error that says failed to find manifest for cf. What do I do?

  • The 5th step assumes your spaces are in the US South region. To successfully deploy, you might need to update the region code (e.g. api.[REGION] to the region where your spaces were created, or create a space in the US South region.

  • If you don’t have an org, create one here.

    • In the top nav go to Manage > Account > Account resources > Cloud Foundry orgs
    • The name you give it doesn’t matter, just take note of the region you select, and use that region’s API endpoint (e.g. api.[REGION]
    • Find regions and endpoints here.

I am getting an error that says yarn lockfile missing. How do I fix this?

  • This error can occur when the yarn.lock file is either missing or differs from the one used in the tutorial step. To fix this, you can go to the Github branch for the step you are on, find the yarn.lock file, and copy that file into your working directory. You may need to delete your node_modules folder and run yarn afterwards.

I am getting a yarn offline cache error. How do I fix this?

  • Try running rm -rf .yarn-offline-mirror node_modules && yarn cache clean && yarn install and push up any changes. If this still does not work, ensure your yarn.lock file matches the one at the start of the tutorial step

When will my PR be reviewed?

  • If your PR is passing, it will automatically get approved and closed by a bot. After it’s closed, you can move on to the next step.

  • If your PR is failing, try out the troubleshooting tips on this page first to fix it. If it’s still failing, reach out for help in our slack channel #carbon-react or tag @carbon-design-system/developers in a comment on your PR for help.

How can I show others my completion status?

Other troubleshooting tips

  • We updated the react-scripts dependency to v5.0.1. Pull from upstream and run yarn or npm install to update your remote branch.
  • You no longer need the .env with the updated react-scripts dependency. If you are up to date, you can delete that file (previously at the root level).
  • Run yarn format and commit any changes made.